************ Installation ************ Prerequisites ============= Get Mnemosyne:: $ git clone https://github.com/johnnykv/mnemosyne.git Install python requirements:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Configuration ============= Copy default configuration:: cp mnemosyne.cfg.dist mnemosyne.cfg While testing it is recommended to simplify the configuration as much as possible, example:: [webapi] # = listen on all interfaces host = port = 8181 [mongodb] database = mnemosyne [hpfriends] ident = secret = host = hpfriends.honeycloud.net port = 20000 channels = dionaea.capture [file_log] enabled = True file = mnemosyne.log [loggly_log] enabled = False token = Running ======= First off, you need to start mongod, afterwards you can start mnemosyne:: $ python runner.py 2013-09-09 21:44:58,541 (root) Starting mnemosyne. (Git: af0388c4a9a251bdafa0d2a5d1de262b7c94b08c) 2013-09-09 21:44:58,542 (persistance.mnemodb) Connecting to mongodb, using "mnemosyne" as database. 2013-09-09 21:44:58,543 (persistance.preagg_reports) Connecting to mongodb, using "mnemosyne" as database. 2013-09-09 21:44:58,653 (root) Spawning hpfriends feed puller. 2013-09-09 21:44:58,653 (root) Spawning web api. 2013-09-09 21:44:58,653 (webapi.mnemowebapi) Cork authentication files not found, creating new files. 2013-09-09 21:44:58,653 (webapi.mnemowebapi) Creating new authentication files, check STDOUT for the generated admin password. A 'admin' account has been created with the password 'df02548f-fc01-40ca-808a-15ba07aed8d5' 2013-09-09 21:44:58,670 (root) Spawning normalizer 2013-09-09 21:44:58,670 (pyhpfeeds) connecting to hpfriends.honeycloud.net:20000 2013-09-09 21:44:58,671 (webapi.mnemowebapi) Starting web api, listening on 2013-09-09 21:44:59,236 (pyhpfeeds) info message name: hpfriends, rand: '}\xbb\xbb\xe1' 2013-09-09 21:44:59,236 (pyhpfeeds) Sending subscription for dionaea.capture. Please notice that the the generated admin password was printed on line 9. After running mnemosyne for a short while, you can fire up the mongo console at check the database, example:: $ mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.4.4 connecting to: test Server has startup warnings: > use mnemosyne switched to db mnemosyne > db.hpfeed.count() 28747 > db.session.count() 27154 > db.session.find().limit(1).pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("522e253b79b45e7673aa4a6d"), "destination_ip" : [ "" ], "protocol" : "microsoft-ds", "attachments" : [ { "hashes" : { "sha512" : "e2de6f3a3927d92f213bf153f72f2a1407a1f9f350a54115f38453aa85a6087debdab2160f246ff3808d0f6b679b6dc421fa5d5f1aa6271684de31ec0952deb0", "md5" : "94e689d7d6bc7c769d09a59066727497" }, "description" : "Binary extraction" } ], "timestamp" : ISODate("2013-09-07T22:42:33.808Z"), "source_ip" : "", "source_port" : 4483, "destination_port" : 445, "honeypot" : "dionaea", "hpfeed_id" : ObjectId("522babd979b45e68a094614a") } >